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Mobile Towers: Carriers Divest from Tower Infrastructure Ownership

By Dick Weisinger

Who owns the cellphone towers that power the flow of data to our mobile devices in the US? In most cases it isn’t the mobile providers like Verizon and AT&T. Most major carriers in the US divested from cellphone tower

Wireless Standards: 5G and WiFi6 Rollouts to Promote new Round of Innovation

By Dick Weisinger

Wireless technologies will get an upgrade this year as 5G cellular and WiFi6 (802.11ax) next generation standards begin to be rolled out. Both new standards promise faster speeds, higher density support, and better power efficiency. 5G is a wide-area technology

Data Privacy: Data Harvesting by Mobile Apps ‘Out of Control’

By Dick Weisinger

  Android phone leak massive amounts of data to third-party apps from Google Play stores, according to a report from the Oxford University. Based on a study of nearly one million apps in the Play store, the study found that

5G: Next Generation Mobile Rolls out to 11 US Cities in 2018

By Dick Weisinger

5G is coming soon to your city. Eleven cities in the US will have 5G options before the end of 2018.  The cities include Sacramento, Seattle, Atlanta and Washington D.C. Daniel Gleeson, analyst at Ovum, said that “5G is the

Security: IoT and Mobile Challenge Cyber Security Professionals

By Dick Weisinger

A recent security report by  ISACA found security to be a top priority for many companies. The findings of the ISACA report include: 97 percent of organizations are seeing an increase in use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices 78 percent