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Open Data: The Benefits of Openly Sharing Maritime Data

By Dick Weisinger

In many ways the earth’s oceans represent an unexplored frontier. They’ve managed to escape the same level of in-depth explorations that humans have made across the earth’s seven continents. But that is changing quickly. The Ocean Conservatory wrote in their

Open Source Chip Design: Lowering the Cost, but Chip Production Remains Expensive

By Dick Weisinger

The recent history of computer chips has seen the market dominated by very large market players that have invested large amounts of cash to produce ultra-miniature and highly complex semiconductors. Those industry players aren’t expected to change much in the

Open Data: Bridging the Data Inequality Gap

By Dick Weisinger

Top-tier technology companies are accelerating their dominance because of their access to large amounts of data. Brad Smith, president at Microsoft, noted that half of all data created on the internet is collected by fewer than 100 tech companies that

Open Data: Standardizing Agreements to Enable Easier Data Sharing and Collaboration

By Dick Weisinger

There are an abundant number of open source licenses to choose from to support the public sharing and collaboration of software code. These licenses include Apache, BSD, GNU, MIT, Mozilla and others. That’s not the case though when it comes

Open Data: Data May Not Be Open, But is it FAIR?

By Dick Weisinger

Governments and academics are increasingly opening up their data sets for the research community.  A survey by Figshare found organizations increasingly opening up the data which they acquire. But more importantly, more organizations sharing data are providing that data according