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Oracle: Tops in Infrastructure from Gartner's View

By Dick Weisinger

Oracle has been portrayed as having a view on software application focus that has been muddled by the integration of its many acquisitions.  That’s not how Gartner sees things though for its report on Oracle in the area of Infrastructure. 

Oracle: A lot of Smiling Customers

By Dick Weisinger

A year ago Oracle customers in the UK complained that inadequate customer support was one of their primary issues with the vendor. Oracle is strongly influenced by their User Group surveys. Oracle listened and a year later a survey of

Enterprise Software: State of the ERP wars

By Dick Weisinger

Over the last two years the tables have turned between SAP and Oracle ERP. In 2006 Forrester gave the edge to SAP because, at the time, the problems that Oracle had in absorbing and integrating its many acquisitions looked like

Oracle: Database Security Worries

By Dick Weisinger

Complex database environments are making it difficult for database administrators to secure those networks. The Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG) found that more than half of 316 DBAs they surveyed were managing more than 100 databases in their environment. And

BPM: Oracle makes it look easy. Others Stumble

By Dick Weisinger

Oracle has been on a roll with 50 company acquisitions over the last 45 months and has become a master in being able to squeeze the best technology out of their purchases. While Oracle Fusion may be slow in coming,