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Swarm Intelligence: The Power of Groups Coordinated by AI

By Dick Weisinger

Two heads are better than one” is a proverb that is being revived in the area of Artificial Intelligence. In AI, the term “Swarm intelligence” refers to the connection of groups of intelligent organisms together into a network that allows for inter-communication and collaboration. Swarms have been shown to greatly outperform the individual members working alone. Computationally, Swarm Intelligence is being used to solve very complex problems.

Swarm intelligence is the coordinated collective behavior of a system with decentralized members. Swarm Intelligence is particularly relevant in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT) and managing interactions between autonomous vehicles and robots. And, as might be expected, the military is particularly interested in the technology of swarms. The rollout of 5G networks will also enable interaction and collaboration between network members and provide the right tools to realize swarms.

Louis Rosenberg, CEO of Unanimous AI, said that “In a swarm, all members are equal and anonymous, you get a much more accurate combination of insights.”

Some of the benefits of Swarm Intelligence is:

  • Fault tolerance. One or more members may fail a task, but tasks will ultimately complete
  • Flexible – Swarms as a group can respond to disruptions and unexpected interactions
  • Self-organizing – Roles emerge as needed and aren’t pre-assigned
  • Decentralized – Lack of central control mean that decisions can be made rapidly at the local level
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