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Monthly Archives: June 2011

PLM: Companies Kick-Start Product Innovation with PLM

By Dick Weisinger

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is no longer a technology for engineers only.  PLM has undergone a transformation over the last decade, and with that transformation, has been able to cross many industry boundaries.   A new study by Harvard Business Review

Cloud Computing: Big Benefits, But not Without Risks

By Dick Weisinger

After declining by 5.1 percent in 2009, the IT service market grew 3.1 percent in 2010.  Total IT Service sales for 2010 came in at $793 billion.  It is a huge market, and one that Gartner predicts will undergo big

Cloud Computing: Like-Minded Organizations Band Together to Create Semi-Private Clouds — Community Clouds

By Dick Weisinger

While public cloud offerings from companies like Amazon and Google have become symbols of cloud computing technology, many organizations worry about the risks involved in storing data in the public cloud.  The alternative for many companies is a private cloud.

BPM: Microsoft Grabs Market Share in Enterprise Middleware Market

By Dick Weisinger

The BPM and Enterprise middleware market grew more than 9 percent last year and now represents a $16.1 billion market.  Last year’s BPM growth was a healthy improvement over 2009’s results where the market grew at just 2.2 percent.  That

Security: Human Error is Greatest Threat

By Dick Weisinger

Sometimes we’re our own worst enemy.  Two-thirds of database breaches were found to be the result of either human error or perpetrated by a privileged user with inside access to the system.  That’s one of the results of a database