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Monthly Archives: June 2011

Open Source: Companies to Spend More than Half of IT Software Budget on Free Open Source

By Dick Weisinger

Open Source is supposed to be free, so it is interesting to note that a new survey finds that by 2016, on average, 56 percent of IT budgets for software will be going towards Open Source software.  That comment is

Cloud: Alternative Cloud Roadmaps, Getting from Here to There

By Dick Weisinger

If you’re currently investigating how your organization can begin taking advantage of using the cloud, in a new white paper Gartner outlines a framework to use that gets you started down a suitable path of investigation. Gartner generalizes five different

Cloud Computing: How and When — A Recipe for Success

By Dick Weisinger

What does it take to move to the cloud?  That’s what many organizations are asking now, and unfortunately, there isn’t a cookbook answer for how organizations can [painlessly move there.  Answering this question is a task that National Institute of

Office Productivity: Microsoft Continues to Dominate Office Productivity Software

By Dick Weisinger

Microsoft Office has proved to be a gold mine to Microsoft during its multi-decade reign as the the most widely used business software productivity suite.  Despite many attempts over the years to one-up and overthrow Microsoft’s dominance, no company or

Big Data: Cornerstone for the Next Wave of Change

By Dick Weisinger

It hasn’t even been 20 years since the Mosaix web browser ushered in dramatic change that consumerized the Internet and reshaped many industries.  In the 90’s rapid changes in software and technology were described as being done in ‘Internet Time’.