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Monthly Archives: July 2011

Cloud Computing: SaaS Market to Double by 2015

By Dick Weisinger

In 2010, the worldwide SaaS market was $10 billion.  And at the current annual growth rate of more than 20 percent, the SaaS market is on target to more than double by 2015 to $21.3 billion, predicts Gartner, Inc in

Data Centers: Custom Facilities Optimized for Location

By Dick Weisinger

What keeps operators of large data centers awake at night?  An IDC report authored by Trevor Clarke and Mathew Oostveen investigates the biggest challenges that data center operators are facing.  The study looked at data centers in Australia. The major pain

Green Clouds: The Efficiencies of Cloud Computing

By Dick Weisinger

Cloud computing has the potential to be more environmentally friendly than existing data centers.  Doug Washburn and Lauren Nelson, analysts at Forrester Research, recently identified at least three ways that cloud computing can be considered as more ‘green’ than traditional

Security: Consumer Technologies Invade the Enterprise

By Dick Weisinger

Enterprise IT infrastructure is at risk from the increased exposure to consumer software and hardware.   Empl0yees are increasingly using personal technology devices, like tablet computers and smartPhones to access their company’s email and intranet services, and they also are

Technology: Federal Government to Cut 800 Data Centers with a Goal to Shrink to Just 3

By Dick Weisinger

Vivek Kundra, the first executive-branch CIO, in his final days on the job before taking a job at Harvard in August, announced a plan to cut the number of federal data centers from roughly 2000 today to 1200 over the