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Monthly Archives: July 2011

Technology: Recession Deals Two-Year Set-back to IT Spending

By Dick Weisinger

Back in August 2008 at the start of the recent recession, worldwide IT spending growth was strong and increasing at a rate of 10 percent annually.  Gartner at the time predicted that worldwide IT spending would hit $3.6 trillion in

Data Centers: Location, Location, Location

By Dick Weisinger

Realtors have long known that location is often the most important factor to success.  The same seems to hold true for data centers.  Gartner finds that the key to data center sustainability is being able to find the right location.

Cloud Computing: Growing 4x Faster Than Other Segments of IT Market

By Dick Weisinger

IDC is forecasting a scorching annual growth rate of 27.6 percent for Cloud Computing over the next four years.   That means that today’s $21.5 billion Cloud Computing market will grow to $72.9 billion by 2015.  That is four times

IT: Is it Dead or is it Vital for Business Survival?

By Dick Weisinger

Last year ComputerWorld declared that ‘IT is dead‘, and many industry pundits have agreed.  Increasingly cloud and mobile technologies enablesmany groups within organizations to end run IT, marginalizing both the IT department and the CIO.  So the results of a

Collaboration: Measuring the Benefits of Collaboration

By Dick Weisinger

Can the ROI be measured for the use of Collaboration, Web 2.0 and Social Media tools in the enterprise?  A report from the McKinsey Global Institute says ‘Yes’ and they try to back up their claim with data.  Companies that