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Yearly Archives: 2015

Security: IT Blindsided by Application Defects — the Cause of Most Security Incidents

By Dick Weisinger

Despite sophisticated security defenses that many IT departments build, data breaches at companies are much more likely to originate at the application level. Frank Zinghini, CEO of Applied Visions, reported in the CodeDx Cybersecurity Market Report that “the security industry

Security: Companies Confused When Too Many Detection Systems Used

By Dick Weisinger

Large financial institutions, as you’d expect, put a high priority on how they handle financial crime and risk management.  A recent survey by NICE Actimize found that more than half of big financial institutions have more than ten analytic and detection systems and about a third have more than

Data Algebra: A More Rigorous and Mathematical Approach to Data Analysis

By Dick Weisinger

Data Algebra is a technique that some are saying can abstract away much of the grunge and headaches caused by many of the current tools and make managing data, especially Big Data, much easier to do.  Data algebra is a mathematical

Big Data: Lack of Right Skill Sets Trip Up Many Big Data Projects

By Dick Weisinger

Big Data is on the top of the radar for many businesses, and there are plenty of tools being sold to help collect and analyze massive amounts of data.  But also topping the list of challenges for these businesses is a

Internet of Things (IoT): The Number of Connected IoT Devices Expected to Grow Exponentially

By Dick Weisinger

McDonald’s restaurants used to count the number of hamburgers sold.  In 1962 they hit one million.  By the mid-1970’s they were counting in the billions.  In 1976 it was 20 billion.  The signage displayed on the golden arch logo at