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Monthly Archives: August 2016

Cloud Computing: Users Show Overall Satisfaction with the Cloud, but Some Issues Still Nag

By Dick Weisinger

The cloud is making life easier for a lot of companies.  That’s according to a survey conducted by BetterCloud.  The report found that more than half reported that after migrating to the cloud that their level of effort for managing

The Device Mesh: Gartner’s Top Strategic Technology for 2016

By Dick Weisinger

The Device Mesh.  Gartner says that this is the top strategic technology for 2016.  Have you heard of it? The Device Mesh is a term that focuses perspective on the connections between devices and the internet, being powered by the

Cloud Security: Businesses Vulnerable from Lax Cloud Security

By Dick Weisinger

Cloud computing security has improved dramatically over recent years and rivals security that is available on-premise.  The problem with cloud security isn’t so much a short-coming in the technology as it is a problem of simply not applying the best

Internet of Things (IoT): Technology Entering the Mainstream

By Dick Weisinger

The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) was first introduced in 1999.  It’s taken seventeen years, but analysts are now beginning to declare that the vision has been realized and that IoT has now become a mainstream technology. How are

SaaS: Spending on Cloud Applications to top $50 Billion by 2024

By Dick Weisinger

Businesses are expected to spend $12 billion this year on cloud-based SaaS applications, according to analyst numbers compiled by price comparison company Better Buys.  Over the next eight years, SaaS spending is expected to increase to $50 billion.  The growth