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Business Intelligence: Modern BI and Analytics Sector Growing 8 Times Faster Than Total BI Market

By Dick Weisinger

The worldwide Business Intelligence and Analytics software market will grow to $18.3 billion in 2016, an increase of 7.3 percent from 2016, according to Gartner.  By 2020, it is expected to reach $22.8 billion. It’s the piece within the BI market

Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics: Factors Driving the Huge Market Growth

By Dick Weisinger

The Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics market is forecast to increase 7.3 percent this year compared to 2016 to $18.3 billion and reach $22.8 billion by 2020, according to a recent report by Gartner. Gartner has identified one sector of

Business Intelligence: Niche BI Vendors Steer Market Towards Analytics and Next-Generation Discovery

By Dick Weisinger

Rapid advances in data analysis and analytics are having a big impact on defining what the capabilities of Business Intelligence (BI). BI products from megavendors that have historically dominated the field are being out-done by smaller niche players in the Business

Prescriptive Analytics: Algorithms that can Recommend the Best Course of Action

By Dick Weisinger

Data is transforming the landscape of industries.  Technology has enabled the collection processing of large amounts of data — big data. Algorithms and high-speed computers enable the processing of data to spot trends and to make predictions — predictive analytics.

Cognitive Analytics: Optimizing Business Decisions with Analytic Assistance

By Dick Weisinger

Cognitive analytics is the application of data analysis and machine learning that enables businesses to better understand and be able to make predictions and smarter decisions about certain aspects of their business.  It includes tools from analytics, big data, natural