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Data Governance: “Tone from the Top” is Critical For Companies to Successfully Deal with Security and Governance

By Dick Weisinger

Whose responsibility is data governance in the organization? While IT may have the lead role in implementation, it turns out that unless there is executive engagement in how governance is to be handled, the priority for dealing with security and governance

Governance, Risk Management and Compliance (GRC): The Dangers of Not Getting it Done Right

By Dick Weisinger

All businesses have some vulnerabilities and are challenged by a variety of risks.  Some of the risks businesses face include enterprise risk, operational risk, project risk, IT risk, and financial risks. The GRC market is expected to grow to $11.5

Compliance and Data Security: Seemingly No End to Lurking Problems That Threaten Businesses

By Dick Weisinger

It’s a tendency of human nature not to worry about problem prevention until after a problem hits, and by that time it’s too late. Ben DiPietro, reporter at the Wall Street Journal, recently collected the results of a number of

Cloud Computing Security: Businesses Aren’t Proactive in Securing their Cloud Resources

By Dick Weisinger

Almost three quarters of organizations say that they’re having a hard time trying to protect sensitive data stored in the cloud, and nearly half say that it’s very difficult to restrict end-user access to data in the cloud.  70 percent

Social Media Compliance: Navigating the Regulations of Business Communications

By Dick Weisinger

In March 2012,Gene Morphis, at the time CFO of the women’s clothing retailer Francesca’s, broadcast on his personal Twitter account the tweet: “Board meeting. Good numbers=Happy Board” to his 238 Twitter followers.  His gaffe was that the tweet was sent