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Data Protection: Embedding Data with Intelligence to make it Self-Secure

By Dick Weisinger

Data protection isn’t easy. The endless list of breaches that occur and expose many thousands and millions of data records is a reminder of just that. Elliot Lewis, CEO at Keyavi Data, said that “cybersecurity technologies have been overly focused

Cybersecurity: Users Stressed by Constant News of Data Hacks and Breaches

By Dick Weisinger

People are getting stressed out by worries of hacking and cyber threats. A Kaspersky Lab report found that 81 percent of Americans feel stressed every time they see news about data breaches. Heidi Hanna, executive director of the American Institute of

Blockchain and Cybersecurity: The ‘Cyber’ of Cybersecurities doesn’t Equate to Cybersecure

By Dick Weisinger

While Blockchain technology forms the basis for how cybercurrencies work, the ‘cyber’ of cybersecurities does not mean that blockchain can be effectively used to solve other kinds of ‘cyber’ problems, like cybersecurity. Marta Piekarska, , said that blockchain is no magic

CyberSecurity: Businesses Powering the Criminal Economy Mirror LegitimateTechnology Businesses

By Dick Weisinger

A $1.5 trillion economy is controlled by cybercrime, according to a report by Bromium, Into the Web of Profit. The breakdown of illicit money derived from cybercrime activities is as follows: $860 billion – online illegal drugs and counterfeit goods

Security 2017: Cyberattacks and Hacking to Increase

By Dick Weisinger

Security predictions for 2017 from McAfee, Experian, the Ponemon Institute, and others are both bleak. Some of the predictions for the state of security in 2017 include: Ransomware will continue to plague users.  Symantec estimates there are more than 1000 cases per