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Improved Alternative for Energy Storage: Oxygen-Ion Batteries

By Dick Weisinger

Lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized energy storage, but they come with significant drawbacks. Fortunately, researchers from the Vienna University of Technology have developed a groundbreaking alternative: oxygen-ion batteries. These batteries offer a range of advantages over their lithium-ion counterparts, making them

Revolutionizing the Energy Grid: Harnessing the Power of Edge Computing

By Dick Weisinger

The United States energy grid is currently facing a high level of vulnerability, with challenges such as increasing electricity demand, the integration of renewable energy sources, and the rise of electric vehicles. However, there is hope on the horizon as

Microsoft’s Bold Bets on AI: Pushing Boundaries and Leaving Competitors Awestruck

By Dick Weisinger

Microsoft is boldly venturing into the future of artificial intelligence (AI) with a series of high-impact bets that showcase the company’s willingness to take risks and push the boundaries. The tech giant’s recent moves include a significant investment in OpenAI,

Energy: Making Fuel and Plastics from CO2 — The Circular Carbon Economy

By Dick Weisinger

Scientists believe that global warming has been triggered by massive amounts of carbon dioxide being pumped into the atmosphere as a result of the burning of fossil fuels. To mitigate the problem, both researchers and industry are investigating how to

Fusion: Sustainable Fusion Projects Advance

By Dick Weisinger

Atomic fusion is the merging of two hydrogen atoms into a single helium atom. It is a process that requires very large amounts of heat and pressure. Fusion occurs naturally on the sun, but so far, humans have been unable