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Monthly Archives: January 2017

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Does the Cost Justify the Results?

By Dick Weisinger

Imagine the amount of money that a large bank could save if they could improve their rate of fraud protection by just 1 percent.  For a large bank that could equate to millions of dollars.  Then consider a small business of

IT Security: Businesses that Spend Big on Security Aren’t Always the Most Secure

By Dick Weisinger

Do you know how much your business spends on IT security?  A lot of businesses don’t have any idea. And when they do know that number they often use it as an estimate for the security of their organization —

3D Printing: Kurzweil’s Law of Accelerating Returns Predicts Big Change

By Dick Weisinger

Ray Kurzweil, long-time inventor and futurist, is predicting that 3D printing is on the edge of revolutionizing manufacturing and industries. Kurzweil said that “I’ve been thinking about thinking for 50 years.” One example of a recent prediction is with the

Hyped Technology: Internet of Things (IoT) Living up to Hype

By Dick Weisinger

Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing, Virtual Reality and more. New technologies that are getting hyped daily. Which of these technologies are businesses really adopting? A survey by Spiceworks of 566 global businesses asked which technologies are being adopted

Records Management: GDPR to Enforce Compliance with Retention Policies

By Dick Weisinger

The importance of Records Management is being driven by European regulations that are scheduled to go into effect next year. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) attempts to strengthen data protection for individuals.  Non-compliance with the regulation will be costly, with