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Yearly Archives: 2017

Business and Software 2018: Trends Include Serverless Computing, Agile, AR and Microservices

By Dick Weisinger

What changes can we expect to see with Software Development over the next 12 months?  Forrester has made predictions for 2018 that were recently reported by Christina Cardoza at SDTimes. Devtest bots powered by machine learning and AI will speed software

Quantum Computing: Capable of Both Breaking all Today’s Secure Systems and Enabling new Unbreakable Security

By Dick Weisinger

Yesterday we looked at the enormous cost of BitCoin technnology and questioned its sustainability.  Today we look at another threat to BitCoin: Quantum computing.  Quantum computing makes use of quantum-mechanical phenomena, like superposition and entanglement to perform data calculations. Quantum

Bitcoin: The Economics are Unsustainable

By Dick Weisinger

While electronic currencies like Bitcoin gain popularity and recognition, one aspect of Bitcoin you may not know about is how expensive it is. With Bitcoin you don’t have the expense of needing to print bills and mint coins, but there

Open Source and Code Maturity: Commercial Software Today Depends on OSS

By Dick Weisinger

Is that commercial software that you’re using really commercial? Yes, but… increasingly open source software is being repackaged and repurposed for use in a specific vertical. The 2017 Synopsys Coverity Scan Report finds that it is common for open source components

Digital Transformation: The Widening Gap Between Haves and Have Nots

By Dick Weisinger

Digital Transformation (written as ‘DX’ by IDC) is the use of digital technologies to improve all aspects and processes of a business. Richard Warley, managing directory at CenturyLink, said that “in a global business economy dominated by disruption, innovation and cyber