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Cloud Repatriation: A Silver Lining or a Storm Brewing?

By Dick Weisinger

Cloud repatriation, the process of moving data and applications from cloud providers back in-house, is gaining momentum. As technology evolves, companies are increasingly bringing their data in-house, moving away from cloud providers like AWS and Azure. This trend is driven by a

IaaS Market Surges to New Heights, Fueled by Generative AI and Cloud Innovation

By Dick Weisinger

The global demand for infrastructure as a service (IaaS) shows no signs of slowing down, as the latest data from Gartner reveals. Despite the pandemic and the predictions of a cloud slowdown, IaaS revenue grew by almost 30% in 2022,

The Cloud Connection: How Startups and AI Giants Forge a Powerful Alliance

By Dick Weisinger

The tech industry has always cherished the stories of scrappy garage start-ups that rose to prominence, but the game has changed with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). Today, the computing power and financial resources required to compete in the

Cloud Data Management: Addressing Challenges and Enabling Seamless Workflows

By Dick Weisinger

Cloud data management is a complex task that presents new challenges as organizations embrace diverse cloud IT infrastructures. The need for efficient data management across multiple environments requires innovative solutions that can provide control over business data in both cloud

Industry Cloud Computing: Vertical Cloud Solutions that Go Beyond Just IT Services

By Dick Weisinger

An Industry cloud platform is a cloud platform that includes software and infrastructure that is configured and tuned to target the needs of a specific vertical industry. Gregor Petri, VP Analyst at Gartner, said that “in effect, industry cloud platforms