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Metaverse: The Evolving Nexus of the Internet with Virtual Reality

By Dick Weisinger

The Web 1.0 refers to the Internet from about 1990 to 1994. Sometime around 2004, some analysts and writers, like publisher Tim O’Reilly started talking about a more participatory experience and dubbed it Web 2.0. Since then we’ve pretty much

WebGPU: Javascript API for Graphics and AI Browser-Based Applications

By Dick Weisinger

It’s been more than five years in the making, but a new API standard that let Web developers access GPU capabilities of the computer called WebGPU is being rolled out across popular browsers. WebGPU is expected to significantly enhance the

Link Rot: The Depth of Knowledge on the Internet is Phenomenal but Fragile

By Dick Weisinger

The internet may make more information easily available now to humans than at any other time in history, but on the flip side, the internet is a poor tool for accurately archiving data for the long term. Web pages are

WebRTC: Now Officially a W3C Standard

By Dick Weisinger

WebRTC is a framework for real-time communication (RTC) between browsers that requires no special plug-in to work. It is an open-source API that enables voice and video communication inside browser web pages. The WebRTC standard was first introduced in 2011 and has gained

Web Content Management (WCM): Managing the Customer Experience and Saving Millions

By Dick Weisinger

Web Content Management (WCM) is an increasingly fragmented market.  WCM has always been a special blend of content management that is distinctly different in requirements from standard Enterprise Content Management.  And now, new forces are coming into play, particularly technologies