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API Evolution: Advantages of GraphQL APIs in Data-Centric Applications

By Dick Weisinger

There is an architectural debate happening now on the pros and cons of two competing API technologies: REST and GraphQL. REST APIs superseded older APIs for querying servers like CORBA and SOAP. Those older technologies were very complex and difficult

Coding: Do JS Frameworks Have a Future?

By Dick Weisinger

React, Vue, Angular, Backbone, and Ember. These are just a few of the available front-end Javascript frameworks for developing web pages. JS frameworks help developers create modular code that has a lot of built-in features that improve user experience. But

Coding: CSS Evolves

By Dick Weisinger

Web pages — HTML, Javascript and CSS are the basic elements of every page. All of those pieces are being modernized. A recent report on CSS summarizes the popularity of existing framework and layout options. Sacha Greif and RaphaĆ«l Benitte

Security: Rethinking Priorities for Software Development

By Dick Weisinger

Bulletproof software might be the ideal, but achieving it can be elusive. A report from Veracode found that 85 percent of all software had at least one vulnerability and that 13 percent of all software has at least one high-severity

JAMStack: Improving Web App Performance and Security

By Dick Weisinger

A new style of app development is gaining in popularity: JAMStack. It is a kind of software architecture and philosophy. ‘JAM’ stands for Javascript, APIs and Markup. The Markup in JAMStacks refers to static markup deployed with the app from