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Enterprise 2.0: Grassroots Mashups + SOA = Managed Mashups ?

By Dick Weisinger

SOA has met with success and acceptance because of its ability to meld together so many disparate systems, uniting data by tunneling between isolated information silos.  But Web 2.0’s mashup combinations using technologies like RSS, REST and AJAX is achieving the same kind

Celebrating 10 Years of XML

By Dick Weisinger

In November 1996, the XML Working Group published the first working draft of the XML specification — a little more than 10 years ago. Over ten years XML has gained wide acceptance and been intertwined with other specifications too, like

Does SOA consolidation run counter to basic SOA Philosophy?

By Dick Weisinger

Much of the success of SOA and Web Services technologies has been driven by the benefits of loose coupling and easy interoperability of different services.  The SOA philosophy allows and encourages a best-of-breed approach in selecting and combining services.  And because

SOA: 2007 SOA Prediction Round-up

By Dick Weisinger

To close out the year, ZDNet and InfoWorld both collected thoughts from some of the thought leaders about SOA. Here are some of their findings: 2007 had many consolidations, mergers and acquisitions.     RedHat acquired JBoss     HP acquired Mercury

Top 10 Trends in ECM

By Dick Weisinger

Here are 10 top trends in the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) space: Consolidation.  IBM/Filenet, Oracle/Stellent, Open Text/Hummingbird/Red Dot, EMC/Documentum/Captiva.  I’ve written about the consolidation trends here and here and here. Compliance.  Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, FDA CPR-21, SEC 17a-4, and risk compliance are examples